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School Day

Our typical daily routine is outlined in the table below:

Time Activity
8.45am School opens - children wait in designated area of playground for their class.
9.00am Children go to classrooms.
9.10am Lessons begin.

10.35 - 10.50am

10.55 - 11.10am

Break time (P1 - P4)

Break time (P5 - P7)

12.00 - 12.45pm

Lunch time (P1 - P4)

12.45 - 1.30pm Lunch time (P5 - P7)
2.15pm Home time (P1 - P3)
3.15pm Home time (P4 - P7)

After-school activities are offered to children throughout the school year. These last from 2.15pm - 3.15pm and 3.15pm to 4.15pm.

We have assembly twice a week: Wednesday and Thursday.  On the last Wednesday of each month we have our Celebration Assembly which focusses on our particular monthly value.  Each class has the opportunity to lead one of these during the year.  Endeavour and monthly value certificates are given out at this assembly.  Award winners are featured in our monthly newsletter and on the Monthly Values notice board in the Hall.  Local ministers assist us with our assemblies during the year.