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Board of Governors

Mr R Dougan Chairperson and Transferor Representative
Mr T Wilson Vice-Chairperson and EA Representative (Child Protection)
Mrs P Greer Transferor Representative
Reverend S Hamilton Transferor Representative
Mr T Lockhart Transferor Representative
Dr L Chambers Transferor Representative
Mrs G Ratcliffe Parent Representative
Mr B Jennett Parent Representative
Mrs R Chapman Teacher Representative
Dr H McLernon Honorary Secretary and Principal

Responsibilities of the Board of Governors

Below is a brief summary of the areas over which the Board exercises responsibility in accordance with the Department of Education’s school improvement strategy Every School a Good School.


Strategic Governance

  • Setting the school’s vision and aims

  • Establishing and maintaining the school’s ethos

  • Setting the school’s plans and policies

  • Monitoring and evaluating school performance, including PRSD

  • Promoting self-evaluation to sustain school improvement

Corporate Governance

  • School performance measures

  • Curriculum planning

  • Employment issues

  • Pupil pastoral care and protection issues

  • Publication of information regarding the school and its pupils

  • Managing the school premises and relationships with the community

Promoting Good Governance

  • Being a critical friend

  • Supporting pupils, parents and staff.